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Made in Italy high school launches: enrolment open from January 23
The very first ‘Made in Italy’ high school is a reality: from January 23, 2024 students will be able to enrol. A bulletin has been published and sent to educational institutions and regions containing the operational instructions for enrolling in the first classes of the new school, which was approved by Italy’s parliament on December 20, for the 2024/2025 school year.
The high school’s mission will be to support and promote Italian excellence, creativity and entrepreneurship.
“The establishment of this secondary school is a qualifying part of the process of enhancing, promoting, and protecting Italian excellence: it will provide students with the opportunity to delve into the historical, geographical, artistic, and cultural scenarios of the industrial development and productive fabric of our country,” Italy’s minister of education and merit Giuseppe Valditara said in a statement.
He continued: “In addition, it will give them the chance to project themselves into the future with a solid basic education, especially in the economic, legal, and technological fields: this virtuous mix is part of the great reform of upper secondary schooling in Italy.”
“It aims to bring education closer to the world of national business and therefore of work, reducing the gap between the skills required by the productive sectors and those provided by the school.”
Made in Italy secondary school to open enrolment
The compulsory subjects include Italian language and literature, history and geography, law, political economy, two foreign languages, mathematics, natural sciences and art history.
“At last, the ‘Made in Italy’ high school for the country of global excellence that is based on the creative art of Italian labour,” the country’s minister for enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso commented on his part.
He continued: “Our country is thus endowed with an innovative school curriculum, combining tradition and innovation, closely linked to the business world, to train the talents and future engines of our economy, who will be called upon to make the most of the quality that characterises our Made in Italy.”
He continued: “The mission of the new institution will be to prepare young Italians at an early stage, embracing both the humanities and Stem subjects (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with the aim of supporting and promoting Italian excellence, creativity and entrepreneurship, which have always positioned our country at the top of the global stage.”
“The ‘Business and Skills for Made in Italy’ Foundation, envisaged by the country’s Made in Italy legislative decree in conjunction with the high school, will act as the essential bridge between the school and the business world, facilitating access to employment for young people ready to face global challenges with competence and vision,” the minister concluded.
The new high school will enable students, among other things, to develop, on the basis of their knowledge of the meanings, methods and explanatory categories that characterise the economic and legal sciences, entrepreneurial skills suitable for the promotion and valorisation of specific Made in Italy production sectors, the ministry explained.
This article was originally published on FashionUnited.IT. Translation and edit from Italian into English: Veerle Versteeg.