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Pinterest UK teams up with V&A on video series
Visual inspiration platform Pinterest is partnering with London’s Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) to bring the museum’s sold-out ‘Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto’ exhibition to life digitally.
The exclusive partnership will see Pinterest hosting a series of four videos on their Pinterest profile showcasing the exhibition’s key themes, including the ‘The Little Black Dress’, ‘Suits for Women’, ‘Revolutionised Fabrics,’ and a rundown of the exhibition’s highlights.
The videos have been created to allow users to experience the critically acclaimed exhibition, while providing a deeper dive into the finer details that define Gabrielle Chanel’s most iconic pieces, exploring the history, evolution and legacy of the designer, and showcasing how fashion can be a tool of empowerment and creativity in everyday life.
Jamie McHale, content partnerships lead at Pinterest UK, said in a statement: “At Pinterest, our mission is to inspire people to create a life they love, and what could be more inspiring than the iconic V&A, a true British institution.
“A first of its kind collaboration for Pinterest UK, this exclusive video series enables us to connect fashion-lovers with unique content from the Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto exhibition. This partnership is a great example of how we’re widening the aperture in terms of the types of inspiring content people can find on the platform.”
Sophie Rouse, head of integrated marketing and insight at the V&A, added: “The V&A is a family of museums dedicated to the power of creativity, and we want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to experience what we do.
“Our partnership with Pinterest enables us to bring our sold-out Gabrielle Chanel exhibition to a much wider audience, making the inspirational and iconic Chanel pieces in the exhibition accessible to all. People simply need to visit the V&A’s Pinterest profile to enjoy 4 new films giving a unique insight into the Gabrielle Chanel story.”