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Meet & Greet: NZA hosts SS24 event during fashion fair days in Florence
NZA, the New Zealand menswear brand is inviting fashion aficionados who will be in Florence during the Pitti Uomo fair to celebrate the arrival of the new season. As with previous collections, the brand is pursuing innovative menswear design for the SS24 season.
Visitors will be able to catch a sneak preview of the collection in one of the world’s most fashionable cities – one thing is certain: The collection reflects the typical outdoor spirit of the New Zealand/ Auckland lifestyle, with colourful styles, inspired by the island’s landscapes and countrysides, further underlined with technical details and a perfect fit.
NZA keeps growing due to their close partnerships, disrupting the ‘traditional’ way of thinking in the European Menswear market. The NZA Meet & Greet is taking place on Tuesday, 13th of June from 3pm – in classic Italian style for an aperitivo at La Grotta Guelfa, Via Pellicceria 5r.
Read more about NZA on their brandpage