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Hugo Boss signs Pakistan Accord, commits to workplace safety

German fashion group Hugo Boss has announced the signing of the Pakistan Accord, which sees it make a commitment to the protection of health and safety for its garment workers.

The Pakistan Accord was first introduced late last year as an extension of Bangladesh’s 2021 International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, which Hugo Boss signed alongside 190 other brands and unions.

The initiative was initially established following the Rana Plaza tragedy in 2013, which also resulted in the creation of the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Accord covers a range of areas in the workplace, including the commitment to independent inspections, remediation and training programmes for employees.

Hugo Boss further stated that it would work with fellow signatories to provide funds in order to support the implementation of the accord and help uphold its measures throughout the industry.

In a release, Yves Müller, CFO and COO of Hugo Boss, commented: “At Hugo Boss, we are committed to respecting human rights and safe working standards along our entire value chain and apply this throughout our organisation.

“We take the fair and ethical treatment of our employees, suppliers, and partners worldwide very seriously and look forward to supporting the improvement of labour conditions in Pakistan through implementing the Pakistan Accord.”

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