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PETA launches first PETA-approved fishnets tights

Animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has launched its first and so far, the only PETA-approved fishnet tights.

Launched just ahead of Valentine’s Day, all proceeds from the same fishnet tights will be used to fund PETA’s mission to raise awareness surrounding the plight of fishing.

“They’re eye-catching, not fish-catching, and the only thing ‘killer’ about these fashionable fishnets is the compliments the wearer will hook,” said Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, in a statement. “PETA encourages everyone to be kind to all animals no matter what skin they’re in and to choose solely delicious vegan meals.”

As PETA shines a light on fish, the animal rights organizations highlight that several studies confirm that fish experience pain, have long memories, communicate through sounds, share knowledge, and maintain cultural traditions. Species like the wrasse demonstrate self-recognition in mirrors, while others create intricate sand art to attract mates.

However, despite this, more fish are killed for food each year than all other animals combined. PETA notes that it offers a free vegan starter kit for those looking to transition to a more humane lifestyle.

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